Creative Summer activities for Kids


FRIDAY, 28. 6. 2024.  IN FRONT OF THE LODGE AT 19:00
Performances of the Dance Group ARIA from Jelsa
Children’s fashion show: the collection of Lucija Peronja’s children’s fashion salon “PAPELU”
A mini disco for a maxi mood: dancing for the youngest and everyone who feels that way

SATURDAY, 29. 6. 2024.
9:00 Dance yogalates: guided exercises for whole body health
10:00 Children’s picnic and listening to a story: a healthy meal enriched by storytelling
Artistic creation through a creative workshop: I paint a story
Relaxation through the game: Twister and 3D Memory
16:00 – 21:00
A mysterious search for hidden treasure: the trail of Ivan Vučetić
Sports competitions: Children’s Olympics
Creative workshop: children-artists at work
Cinema screening of the film

SUNDAY, 30 June 2024
9:00 – 13:00
Become a scout yourself: getting to know useful scouting skills
I want to know: getting to know the traditional culture of folklore dancing
How children used to play: getting to know old games
Creative lace-making workshop: following the trail of Hvar agave lace

To be continued….every Saturday until the end of the summer children’s surprise programs!